

Relocation Transfers

This is the ‘leftover’ method of transfer.  Basically it is anything that does not fit into one of the other three categories.  A good example would be ‘police transfer’, something I have never done.  A police transfer is when the body is taken out of a crime scene, such as a in a suicide, murder or accident.  Because I have never done one I cannot speak to them much, other than the stories I have heard.  But one thing that surprised me, and surprises many others, is that there is no government or special organisation to do this job.  Just funeral homes basically.  And they get no special training or equipment other than.  They have ordinary latex gloves and sometimes shower-caps on their shoes.  Other than that they are ordinary people with no qualifications who are paid minimal wage and wear a business suit.

Glebe Coroners:

The corners is a mixed bag at the best of times.  One simple mix up on your paperwork, a queue, or any other unpredictable delay and you can be held up for as little as 10minutes or as log as an hour.  They are heavily underfunded and mostly understaffed and over worked (this is where all coronial and most forensic cases go) so do not blame the staff.  They are actually very good, always being nice and efficient every time I have been there.  The coroners is also very particular about paperwork, so make sure you have everything and that it is correct.

  1. Enter via Arundel st, Forest Ledge.
  2. The entrance is through the glass doors on the brown building with the four red pillars.  Park by the row of small trees right outside the building.  Although it says no parking this is actually special parking just for police and mortuary vehicles.  So do not worry.
  3. Go in the double glass doors and up to the counter behind the glass.  This is where you will give them all the papers and see how long it will take.  But this is not where you get anything.
  4. Once they have everything they need go back to the car and drive into the large garage door between the red pillars.  It is just on the left after the row of small trees.  Often they will open it as you approach, but if they do not buzz the intercom to enter.
  5. The mortuary dock will be on the left.  Reverse up to it and get as close to the lift as you safely can.  Load the stretcher onto the lift and raise it up as high as you can.
  6. Leave the stretcher on the lift and wait by the glass doors to be let in.
  7. Go into the actual mortuary, it will smell funny, due to the cleaners they use, hence the nick-name ‘the fish markets’.
  8. The body should be waiting you you as you enter.  They will then ask you to read the number on the red writ tag on the body.
  9. Check for valuables and if infections!!  Place your writ tag on the body.
  10. Now fill in their mortuary book, it is different to most and will need you to input the next of kin name, your name, your company, date, time and initial a declaration.  All of this is on the one page.  If unsure ask them, they are nice and know what they are doing.
  11. This is where they will give you all your paperwork, the DC, CC and so on.  Make sure you do not leave without it.
  12. Wheel the body on its trolley out into the car park, load them up onto your stretcher which should still be on the lift.
  13. Lower the lift as far as it goes and put the stretcher into your car.
  14. Drive out, you may have to use the button on the right by the door to open it.

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering if the body remains in the casket after wake until funeral or is it put back in freezer. Also if a body is being transported to another state a day before burial where is body stored in the meanwhile thanks


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