

Hearse Month Wrap Up

    Here is a nice breakdown and summary of some of the posts over last month all about the hearse (in order of my most favorite to least favourite):

- The Hearse - Telling them apart -- 11th March 2013
    This is possibly the post I am most proud of in quite a while (despite the length), it hits all the objectives of the blog quite nicely and I felt was a good post overall.  Basically it is a detailed post on how to identify and distinguish various hearses; it looks at important aspects of the hearse in detail (with lots of photos).  So it's a great post for those who wish to understand the hearse better, or even the diversity of the Sydney funeral industry.

- Inside the Lady Anne Hearse -- 29th March 2013
    In this post I look at the hearse in detail, what it is like inside and how it works.  For this I use the Lady Anne Funerals hearse which they were gracious enough to let me take photos with as much as I wanted.

- Guest Post - Meeting the hearse -- 28th March 2013
    Another guest post from DC, in this they discuss their first experience with a hearse and the "dos" and "donts" of driving a hearse.

Possible reasons for diversity in the hearse -- 27th March 2013
    Here I look at a possible reason why the hearse's are so diverse and different in Sydney.

The Hearse - in the eyes of the funeral industry -- 15th March 2013
    In this post I explore how the funeral industry perceives the hearse; as in what funeral staff see and think of the hearse.  Their perspective is quite different to that of the public.

Symbolism and Significance of the Hearse -- 20th March 2013
    The hearse has a lot of symbolism and significance attached to it, in this post I explore some of that.

    Well I was quite impressed with how this month went, it was my first experiment with having a running theme for such a long time and I think it went well.  Some posts might have got become abstract, or even boring, but I had fun and proved the idea of a theme month is possible.

    If anything it worked better than my regular system, the start of the month was very busy but then the rest settled down and my blog basically ran itself for 70% of the month.  So this is something I will organise more of as uni continues to get busier.  Not next month but maybe the month afterwards.


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