
Thank You For Participating

     It's been a while since I had the time to write a post, as many know I've been tied up in my honours thesis. However, the thesis will be submitted in just a few days, so yay! It's been a long and difficult road, but it has also been incredibly rewarding and worth every step.

    I would like to thank the wonderful organisations and individuals who participated. This includes Lady Anne Funerals, Mannings Funerals, and the Funeral Celebrants Association of Australia. These organisations were amazingly helpful and supportive of this project. Furthermore, I also want to thank the numerous unnamed individuals who participated in the study.

    These organisations and individuals didn't just provide valuable information, they made the project mean something and turned it into something truly special. I will always be grateful to those who participated. You have been a big part of making a long and difficult path worth it.

    Several people have asked where this thesis will be available, so I'll answer this quickly:

- No, the thesis will not be posted on the blog, this blog is not the right audience so there is no point putting it here. However, a short summary will most likely be posted in the future.

- The thesis will be archived in the honours room at UNSW, this is not exactly something to boast. Those that have seen the honours room or know how universities operate will understand.

- I will submit the thesis to various conferences and other places.

- Those that participated in the study 'may' receive a copy if they ask, simply email me at theothersideoffunerals@gmail.com to receive a PDF.

    I will write some more posts before the end of the year, but generally there will not be much content until next year. This is because I will be relaxing, but mainly because I will also be organising some fun things for next year. There will be more on this later if it works out.


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